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Automotive Collection

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Flagship Store: Now Open at #37, Museum Rd.

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Men SS 2024 Collection

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Women SS 2024 Collection

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Our Legacy

Our Legacy

Founded in 1999

From three employees in a modest garage to three factories in Bengaluru employing over 1,000 artisans, with capacities to produce 100,000 seaters per year, Stanley Lifestyles did not just emerge as a prominent luxury brand in 24 years, but also revolutionized urban Indian lifestyle pieces, centering their ethos around elevated living.

DISCOVER our legacy

Our Legacy

Founded in 1999

From three employees in a modest garage to three factories in Bengaluru employing over 1,000 artisans, with capacities to produce 100,000 seaters per year, Stanley Lifestyles did not just emerge as a prominent luxury brand in 24 years, but also revolutionized urban Indian lifestyle pieces, centering their ethos around elevated living.

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Our Legacy



World-class materials and top-notch craftsmanship come together to create a masterpiece that epitomizes style and comfort.

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Store Finder

Today, there are four Stanley Level Next flagship stores, displaying the complete range of Stanley Personal footwear and accessories.



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Stanley Personal